Habit Tracker – Get More Done In Less Time

I used to think hard work was required for success… but actually doing less work brought be more success… let me explain.

I woke up early this morning and walked around the lake, shot a few basketball shots, and got 22 minutes at the gym. It was a good morning.

I teach the importance of good habits and good morning routine, but I beg my students to track those habits.

My father used to always tell me “Habits are the best of friends or the worst of enemies.

He was right.

I started working with a business coach 20 years ago and she insisted I track not only my business revenue, my books sales, and the number or leads… but she insisted I track the personal habits that made me feel energized.

I resisted.

I could NOT see how taking the time to track whether or not I worked out, drank a smoothie, or spent quality time with my girlfriend would help me in my business.

Boy was I wrong.

Over a four-year period, the months when my personal habit statistics were high… I made more money. I even tracked all my workouts, sleep, and even nutrition in a complicated spreadsheet… just to test this theory.

When my statistics were down… I was sluggish, less inspired, lacked focus… and my revenue matched it. The chart I am showing was from 2005.

Now, 20 years later, we have the entire process inside a mobile app instead of MS Excel.

I’m still tracking my personal enhancements activities because is still works.

The idea of working harder and burning the midnight oil simply did not ring true once I started tracking small, tiny habits and actions which nourished me.

Today, I want to share with you a resource I created after over 20 years of tracking my habits using a very boring spreadsheet. Now, it is all on my mobile phone.

I beg my readers to not only learn new healthy habits, but keep track of them so when life gets busy… we don’t lose focus on what’s important. We only track what’s important… what moves the needle in a powerful way.

It’s called the PRISM Habit Tracker app. I made a video explaining why tiny “enhancement” habits are actually even better than Atomic Habits. I love the new books out lately on the power of habits… but this changed my life twenty years ago.

  • Customize your habits
  • Track in weeks, months, and year views.
  • Choose your own icons.
  • Totally free for reader of the Happy, Wealthy, Mind Newsletter (Beta Launch)

Jump into our online community and our team can help you choose which habits are best for you and learn more about how you can start changing your brain…one tiny habit at a time. Our Life Design Academy members are all encouraged to make the PRISM habit tracker a part of their mental fitness personal transformation weekly rituals.

Quote of the day.

Success is the product of daily habits …

not once-in-a-lifetime transformations.

James Clear, Author of Atomic Habits

Action Steps:

1. Watch the short video I made a video explaining why tiny “enhancement” habits are actually even better than Atomic Habits.

2. White list this newsletter to avoid the junk folder. Just tag as “important / never send to spam” and even reply to this email to teach your inbox to never miss an issue.

As always, feel free to share your thoughts or stories with me by hitting reply.

I read every message, and I’m pulling for your happiness.


Bart Baggett

Author of Happy Wealthy Mind, The Magic Question, Success Secrets of the Rich & Happy and Founder of the Life Design Academy. Learn more at https://lifedesignacademy.org

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