3 Lies and Excuses We Tell Ourselves

I asked the amazing AI machine to summarize chapter 28 of the new book for you. How did these two fake podcast host living in the LM NOTEBOOK software do?

Do you think of our excuses can neatly fit into three categories?

 Perhaps it is an oversimplification, but most of them do.  And, the more you justify that they ARE TRUE… the more you sleep like a baby even after you failed to accomplish your goal. 

The  most common lies we tell ourselves are:

1. I don’t have enough time.
2. I don’t have enough money.
3.  I’m not ready

These excuses reveal the hidden assumptions that often hold us back. The hidden assumption is the key to reframing any excuse into a more actionable plan to discover the false assumption or at least find another route to get what you want.  There is always more than one option to getting what you want, but option B, C, D, E and F are often hard to see. It takes work to train your brain to see the less obvious paths. It’s easier to blame the politicians and give up.  

What stories do these excuses tell about your underlying beliefs?

Action Item: This week, challenge your excuses by identifying and dismantling them. Here’s how:

  1. Spot the Excuse: Next time you catch yourself saying one of these Big Three, stop. Write it down. Look for the hidden assumption which you are making which might or might not be true.

  2. Ask This Question: “What fictitious assumptions am I making here?” This question is designed to unravel what is really holding us back. It cuts through the fog and helps you see the assumptions you didn’t even know you were thinking.  IE: I need cash and good credit to own a house.  He doesn’t date people like me.  I don’t have the right education for that job.

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